President Ho Chi Minh’s 134th birthday celebrated in Cuba, Cambodia

VOV.VN - Representatives of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples (ICAP) and the Vietnamese Embassy in Cuba have paid floral tribute to the Ho Chi Minh Park in Havana to mark the 134th birthday of the Vietnamese late leader (1890-2024).

Those in attendance at the ceremony included ICAP President Fernando González Llort, Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court of Vietnam Nguyen Van Tien, and Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Le Quang Long, as well as representatives of many agencies and organisations of Cuba and the Vietnamese community in the Caribbean nation.

In his address, Ambassador Long laid stress on the legacy left by President Ho Chi Minh, a national liberation hero, an eminent revolutionary of the national liberation movement and international communist and workers' movements, a world figure of culture, and the beloved leader of Vietnamese people.

Vietnam and Cuba also share the common spirit of patriotism and ideology values.
The desire for freedom and independence of each nation and the progressive ideology of each nation's historical leaders formed a solid foundation for Vietnam and Cuba to cultivate a faithful and lasting friendship, the diplomat said.

For his part, Vice President of the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association Ruvislei González Sáez affirmed that the ideology of President Ho Chi Minh, one of the most important figures of the 20th century, has remained alive among the 100 million people of Vietnam and revolutionaries worldwide.

González Sáez honoured the late leader as a figure with universal stature, a great revolutionary who fought tirelessly for the best cause of Vietnam and humanity.
The Cuban scholar said that his organisation and the ICAP as well as the Havana University hope to study more deeply into the Ho Chi Minh ideology and promote the Vietnamese leader's legacy in the new era.

He expressed his confidence that both nations’ future generations will inherit the eternal values left by the leader, boost the growth of the two countries in peace, head to socialism, while fostering the special ties between Vietnam and Cuba.

At the ceremony, a sing and dance performance was put on to honour President Ho Chi Minh and the special solidarity between the two countries.

Meanwhile, the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh was also celebrated by the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia on May 17, with an incense offering ceremony.

In his speech, Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang applauded the fruitful development of relations between Vietnam and Cambodia with substantive and effective achievements across a variety of fields from political, diplomatic, defence - security, and economic, trade, and investment cooperation.

Party organisations of Vietnamese representative agencies have performed successfully political tasks in all aspects from politics, economics, national defense and security, culture, citizen protection, and those related to people of the Vietnamese origin in Cambodia.

He called on Party members, officials, the business community, and the Vietnamese community in Cambodia to continue studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and lifestyle; and make efforts to fulfill all tasks of 2024.

He asked the Vietnamese community in Cambodia  to uphold the tradition of solidarity and mutual support to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and strictly comply with laws of the host nation.

The Vietnamese diplomat also urged them to make greater contributions to the homeland, and continue to serve as a firm bridge fostering the Vietnam-Cambodia relationship.

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HCM City's friendship association works to strengthen Vietnam - Cuba relations
HCM City's friendship association works to strengthen Vietnam - Cuba relations

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HCM City's friendship association works to strengthen Vietnam - Cuba relations

HCM City's friendship association works to strengthen Vietnam - Cuba relations

The Vietnam – Cuba Friendship Association's chapter in Ho Chi Minh City (VCFA HCMC) will continue to promote people-to-people diplomacy activities to increase understanding between the people of Vietnam and Cuba as well as between HCM City and Cuban localities in particular, contributing to further intensifying the special relations between the two countries.