VOV hosts meeting with newly accredited Vietnamese ambassadors

VOV.VN - The Voice of Vietnam (VOV) President Nguyen The Ky on July 30 played host to a meeting with newly accredited Vietnamese ambassadors who will assume a new role abroad for 2020-2023.


At the gathering, VOV President Ky highlighted the close relationship between VOV and the diplomatic sector, as well as between the current network of 13 VOV representative bureaus with Vietnamese representative agencies abroad.

He congratulated the diplomats on their new role, and expressed hopes they will fulfil the task entrusted with by the State President in all circumstances, even in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic spreading across the globe.

He proposed the newly accredited ambassadors create favourable conditions for VOV representative bureaus abroad to do their job, contributing to disseminating information about happenings in the host countries and nearby areas, as well as to strengthening friendship between Vietnam and those countries.  

For his part, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Quoc Dung spoke highly of VOV's strong, rapid development towards a multimedia model, with many new and attractive programs, catering to the diverse taste of audiences.

VOV is one of the State-run media agencies that have made a substantial contribution to enhancing Vietnam’s external information service over the years, Dung noted.

At the event, chief representatives of VOV bureaus abroad made a number of proposals to increase the efficiency of cooperation between their bureaus and Vietnamese diplomatic agencies abroad.

The newly-accredited ambassadors answered questions and pledged to help VOV carry out the task of connecting Vietnam to the world.

VOV has already established 13 bureaus abroad, providing the audience with extensive coverage of events happening in Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, North Europe, East Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, and the Caribbean.

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