President hosts Kazakh Deputy PM and FM

VOV.VN - President Nguyen Xuan Phuc hosted a reception for Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi in Hanoi on August 18, during which he suggested both nations should step up cooperation in areas of great potential such as agriculture, tourism and transportation.

The Vietnamese State leader hailed the visit to Vietnam by the Kazakh official on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, and expressed his confidence that the visit will contribute to fostering the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two nations.

Vietnam always places importance on the good traditional friendship with Kazakhstan, the President said, while showing his elation at positive developments of their bilateral political ties, with the regular exchange of all-level delegations through Party, National Assembly and State channels.

He hailed Kazakhstan’s contributions and role at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), especially its CICA Chairmanship for 2020-2022.

Vietnam and Kazakhstan still have ample room to ramp up their economic cooperation, and they should optimise the Vietnam-Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) Free Trade Agreement, of which Kazakhstan is a member, he said.

The leader lauded the initiative to open a direct air route between Vietnam and Kazakhstan to facilitate delegation exchanges and bilateral cooperation in tourism and transportation.

In response, Tileuberdi congratulated Vietnam on its socio-economic development achievements, international integration and the effective battle against COVID-19.

Vietnam is an important partner of Kazakhstan in Asia-Pacific, he said, emphasizing that Kazakhstan desires to augment cooperation with the Southeast Asian nation in economy-trade, investment, finance, education-training, culture-tourism, transportation, clean energy and high technology.

On the occasion, President Phuc thanked the Kazakh Government for their support to Vietnamese people living in his country, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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