Solutions to reduce CO2 emissions from civil aviation activities under discussion

VOV.VN - The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) and the EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) co-hosted a workshop aimed at monitoring CO2 emissions and taking measures to reduce the emission from civil aviation activities.

As part of his address, Dinh Viet Son, deputy director of the CAAV, said that at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed Vietnamese commitment to developing and implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with its resources and offer international support to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Son said that it’s important to realize the commitments made in COP 26, especially in the field of aviation activities.
“Vietnam has been actively joining activities to reduce carbon emissions from civil aviation activities, updating and reporting the situation to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) yearly,” he said. 

The nation’s aviation industry and airlines have made efforts with regard to environmental protection and climate change response for the cause of sustainable development, he said, adding that the Ministry of Transport always creates favourable conditions in terms of procedures, mechanisms, and policies for airlines and other units in the industry to competently perform international tasks in civil aviation activities.

A representative of EASA said that the agency will support member states, based on the principle of shared responsibility, whilst working closely with countries in Asia and ASEAN. 

At the workshop, both domestic and international experts shared details regarding the processes and approaches that some ASEAN member states have adopted in monitoring the implementation of  carbon reduction measures.

Vu Thi Thanh, deputy head of CAAV’s Department of Science, Technology and Environment, said that the country has submitted a report on the National Action Plan on reducing CO2 emissions in civil aviation activities. The plan was made based on assessments of the domestic aviation market, the establishment of airlines, as well as new air routes.

She noted that the nation has taken steps in a bid to carry out the action plan such as updating scenarios of the plan, introducing and promoting feasible measures to reduce greenhouse gases, and identifying possible solutions in order of priority based on the country's circumstances and effects on stakeholders.

Vietnam Airlines reported that it is in the process of applying the Single Engine taxiing solution to reduce noise at the airport whilst reducing fuel consumption, thereby reducing emissions.

The solution has been applied since 2018 to all three fleets of the airline and has so far helped cut the emission of over 4,000 tonnes of CO2.                                           



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