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Submitted by ctv_en_3 on Tue, 04/25/2006 - 11:00
People from across the country have expressed their delight at the great success of the 10th National Party Congress, which elected a new younger Party Central Committee. The Party has frankly acknowledged its weaknesses and pledged to rectify and to re-gain the people’s trust.

Colonel Pham Xuan Truong, former deputy commander of the Commando Service, “The 10th Party Congress has brought the whole Party and people’s intelligence into full play”

The 10th Party Congress is of great historic significance as it took place at a time when the country has experienced 20 years of Doi Moi (Renovation), which has won domestic and international plaudits for recording tremendous achievements. The congress has brought the whole Party and people’s intelligence into full play. This was demonstrated by the fact that the Party gathered many heart-felt opinions on congress documents from people from all walks of life, even overseas Vietnamese. The gathering of people’s opinions showed the Party’s standpoint of considering people as the roots and the revolutionary cause as belonging to the masses.

Personnel work was also well prepared. Many leaders withdrew from the nomination list. The move testified to senior generations’ belief in the next generations’ growth and political stance. I am only anxious about the Party’s poor cadre management, which caused negative cases affecting the Party’s prestige prior to the congress. I hope that the new Party leadership will regain the people’s trust by issuing correct decisive policies and rectifying cadre management, in order to avoid similar negative cases.

I also hope that the new Party leadership will fulfill all tasked entrusted to it by the country with a youthful and steady political stance.


Village Chief, Ko Rang in Dac Krong district, Dac Nong province,“ Ethnic minority people need more attention.”

The Party and State have paid due attention to ethnic minority people by building new roads, schools, centres and wells. People in our village followed the 10th Party Congress with keen interest. We want the congress to pay more attention to us.

EU Ambassador to Vietnam Markus Cornaro: Vietnam, EU relations developing well

Preparations for the 10th National Party Congress were thorough. This was the first time the draft congress documents and political report were made public for the collecting of opinions. As a technical assistant, the European Commission was also provided with information related to Vietnam’s five-year development plan, which was approved at the congress. With positive factors, I think that the Communist Party of Vietnam is striving to devise policies that meet people’s desires.

I am interested in all issues discussed at the congress such as how the Party operates, renovates and deals with corruption. I think that corruption has drawn the attention of not only international organisations but also normal people. The PMU 18 scandal was widely covered in the press, demonstrating the Vietnamese Government’s determination to fight corruption. We pledge to provide more assistance to Vietnam, especially in terms of finance. As the biggest donor, the EU, as well as other donors, highly value the role of the press in fighting negative phenomena.

After the Party Congress policies and personnel will change. However, based on fine traditions, EU - Vietnam relations will be further developed. We will continue to carry out the EU - Vietnam overall plan in the future. 

Bui Xuan Ty, a resident from Ninh Xuan commune, Quang Ninh district, Quang Binh province: He hoped that the new PCC will devise solutions and supporting policies to promote the efficiency of agricultural industries.

Especially, there should be preferential policies for units producing traditional handicraft products to generate jobs for farmers. Besides, it is necessary to have policies to boost poverty reduction and hunger elimination, implement educational socialisation and improve people’s spiritual lives.

Dang Lan Anh, a student from accounting department of the National Economics University: There were new changes at the 10th National Party Congress

I feel proud and honoured to study in a country on the track of development and integration and under the leadership of the Vietnamese Communist Party. I am always fully aware of the important role of the Party in making polices and guidelines in the renewal process.

During the Congress, I always spend time watching the latest news about the congress. Many Vietnamese students like me wish that the success of the congress would contribute to eliminating certain shortcomings such as corruption and wastefulness.

Le Hong Ky, a student from Department of Foreign Languages, Hanoi Polytechnic University: The congress was determined to combat corruption, bureaucracy, stagnancy as well as its other weaknesses

As a student, I am very interested in the congress. This is an important political event, which has had great impacts on people. Through the list of official members of the 10th Party Central Committee, I find that many leaders have gained high prestige and are competent. However, I think that they should promote their strength in the next term as well as overcome shortcomings in Party building.

I also know that the average age of members of the Party Central Committee (PCC) at this congress is lower than the previous one. PCC members are from ministries and agencies from the central to local levels. I hope that the Party will further boost combating negative phenomena and improve the leadership capabilities of cadres and party members.

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