Mu Cang Chai named as worthy visit by US travel site

Mu Cang Chai district, home to breathtaking terraced rice fields in the northern mountain province of Yen Bai, has recently been voted among the 19 most visit-worthy destinations around the world by readers of US travel site Insider.

An article by American writer Sarah Schmalbruch describes the district as a hidden gem in northern Vietnam.

Depending on the time of year, the colour of the rice terraces varies from emerald green to golden yellow and light brown.

October is the best time to visit Mu Cang Chai.

According to the website http//, Mu Cang Chai is about 300km north-west of Hanoi and 1,000 metres above sea level.

The terraces were recognised as a national heritage in 2007 by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

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Picturesque Mu Cang Chai in ripe season
Picturesque Mu Cang Chai in ripe season

VOV.VN - Mu Cang Chai district in Yen Bai province is famous for its golden terraced rice fields, especially in September when the ripe season begins.

Picturesque Mu Cang Chai in ripe season

Picturesque Mu Cang Chai in ripe season

VOV.VN - Mu Cang Chai district in Yen Bai province is famous for its golden terraced rice fields, especially in September when the ripe season begins.