Hard-working day of salt farmers in Nam Dinh

VOV.VN -Starting before sunrise in early morning chill, salt farmers work through the heat of the day as the blazing afternoon sun evaporates the salt fields. 

Visitors to Hai Ly commune, Hai Hau district, Nam Dinh province will see lines of farmers who relay back and forth across the fields, shaded under conical hats, and silently collect salt drains in the sun.

Harvesting salt drains

and putting them in stores.
Grandeur of the crystal salt domes 
Most salts farmers are the elderly, women and children.

They finish their work just before sunset
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Life of salt makers through Czech photographer’s lens
Life of salt makers through Czech photographer’s lens

VOV.VN -Czech photographer Zuzana Rakova has revealed a number of her amazing photos on Hon Khoi salt flats, which were taken during her trip to the central province of Khanh Hoa.

Life of salt makers through Czech photographer’s lens

Life of salt makers through Czech photographer’s lens

VOV.VN -Czech photographer Zuzana Rakova has revealed a number of her amazing photos on Hon Khoi salt flats, which were taken during her trip to the central province of Khanh Hoa.